The "Sirens" episode is set in the Ormond hotel (the Concert Room, and the bar where Miss Douce and Miss Kennedy are serving). The Linati scheme for the chapter includes the correspondences Sirens - Barmaids; Isle - Bar. Sirens are beautiful maidens who lure sailors to their death with song. This engraving (1886) shows the Sirens imploring Ulysses to stay. Notice the human bones next to them!
"Bronze by gold heard the hoofirons, steelyringing.
Imperthnthn thnthnthn.
Chips, picking chips off rocky thumbnail, chips.
Horrid! And gold flushed more." (U11.1)
Imperthnthn thnthnthn.
Chips, picking chips off rocky thumbnail, chips.
Horrid! And gold flushed more." (U11.1)
"Peep! Who's in the... peepofgold?
Tink cried to bronze in pity.
And a call, pure, long and throbbing. Longindying call.
Decoy. Soft word. But look! The bright stars fade. Notes chirruping answer." (U11.10)
Tink cried to bronze in pity.
And a call, pure, long and throbbing. Longindying call.
Decoy. Soft word. But look! The bright stars fade. Notes chirruping answer." (U11.10)
"Avowal. Sonnez. I could. Rebound of garter. Not leave thee. Smack. La cloche! Thigh smack. Avowal. Warm. Sweetheart, goodbye!
Jingle. Bloo." (U11.17)
Jingle. Bloo." (U11.17)
"Boomed crashing chords. When love absorbs. War! War! The tympanum.
A sail! A veil awave upon the waves." (U11.20)
A sail! A veil awave upon the waves." (U11.20)