"Where is that Parsee tower of silence? Eaten by birds. Earth, fire, water. Drowning they say is the pleasantest." (U6.987)

The towers of silence (dakhma, dokhma, or doongerwadi) are circular raised structures used by Zoroastrians for exposure of the dead, as they consider a dead body to be nasu (= unclean). Corpses are thus exposed to the sun and to birds of prey, precluding the pollution of earth or fire. Bodies are arranged in 3 rings: men on the outside, women in the second circle, and children innermost. (Image courtesy of the ZJJF)
The ritual precinct of the towers of silence may only be entered by a special class of pallbearers. Once the bones have been bleached by the sun and wind, which can take as long as a year, they are collected in an ossuary pit at the center of the tower and/or are eventually washed out to sea. In Parsi Zoroastrian tradition (India), exposure of the dead is additionally considered to be an individual's final act of charity, in sustaining the birds.
"See your whole life in a flash. But being brought back to life no." (U6.988)
"Can't bury in the air however. Out of a flying machine. Wonder does the news go about whenever a fresh one is let down. Underground communication. We learned that from them." (U6.989)
"Wouldn't be surprised. Regular square feed for them. Flies come before he's well dead. Got wind of Dignam. They wouldn't care about the smell of it. Saltwhite crumbling mush of corpse: smell, taste like raw white turnips." (U6.990)
"The gates glimmered in front: still open. Back to the world again." (U6.995)
"Enough of this place. Brings you a bit nearer every time. Last time I was here was Mrs Sinico's funeral. Poor papa too. The love that kills. And even scraping up the earth at night with a lantern like that case I read of to get at fresh buried females or even putrefied with running gravesores. Give you the creeps after a bit." (U6.996)
"I will appear to you after death. You will see my ghost after death." (U6.1000)
"My ghost will haunt you after death." (U6.1001)
"There is another world after death named hell. I do not like that other world she wrote. No more do I. Plenty to see and hear and feel yet." (U6.1001)
"Feel live warm beings near you. Let them sleep in their maggoty beds. They are not going to get me this innings. Warm beds: warm fullblooded life." (U6.1003)
"Martin Cunningham emerged from a sidepath, talking gravely.
Solicitor, I think. I know his face. Menton. John Henry, solicitor, commissioner for oaths and affidavits. Dignam used to be in his office. Mat Dillon's long ago. Jolly Mat. Convivial evenings. Cold fowl, cigars, the Tantalus glasses. Heart of gold really. Yes, Menton. Got his rag out that evening on the bowling green because I sailed inside him. Pure fluke of mine: the bias." (U6.1006)
"Why he took such a rooted dislike to me. Hate at first sight. Molly and Floey Dillon linked under the lilactree, laughing." (U6.1012)
"Fellow always like that, mortified if women are by." (U6.1013)

Haha, it took me a bit to realize that "mortified" = having the appearance of being dead. Bloom is killing it!
"Got a dinge in the side of his hat. Carriage probably.
- Excuse me, sir, Mr Bloom said beside them.
They stopped.
- Your hat is a little crushed, Mr Bloom said, pointing.
John Henry Menton stared at him for an instant without moving.
- There, Martin Cunningham helped, pointing also.
John Henry Menton took off his hat, bulged out the dinge and smoothed the nap with care on his coatsleeve." (U6.1015)
"He clapped the hat on his head again.
- It's all right now, Martin Cunningham said.
John Henry Menton jerked his head down in acknowledgment.
- Thank you, he said shortly." (U6.1022)

[Note: this is not John Henry Menton]
"They walked on towards the gates. Mr Bloom, chapfallen, drew behind a few paces so as not to overhear. Martin laying down the law. Martin could wind a sappyhead like that round his little finger without his seeing it.
Oyster eyes. Never mind. Be sorry after perhaps when it dawns on him. Get the pull over him that way." (U6.1026)
"Thank you. How grand we are this morning!" (U6.1033)
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