"A bird sat tamely perched on a poplar branch. Like stuffed. Like the wedding present alderman Hooper gave us. Hu! Not a budge out of him. Knows there are no catapults to let fly at him." (U6.949)
"Dead animal even sadder. Silly-Milly burying the little dead bird in the kitchen matchbox, a daisychain and bits of broken chainies on the grave." (U6.951)
"The Sacred Heart that is: showing it. Heart on his sleeve. Ought to be sideways and red it should be painted like a real heart. Ireland was dedicated to it or whatever that. Seems anything but pleased. Why this infliction?" (U6.954)

A statue of the Sacred Heart in Glasnevin (Image courtesy of the ZJJF).
The Sacred Heart is a religious devotion to the physical heart of Jesus Christ, as a symbol of his divine love for man. It originated with Marie Alacoque, seen in this holy card.
"Would birds come then and peck like the boy with the basket of fruit but he said no because they ought to have been afraid of the boy. Apollo that was." (U6.957)
"the fratricidal case known as the Childs Murder and rendered memorable by the impassioned plea of Mr Advocate Bushe which secured the acquittal of the wrongfully accused," (U14.958)
"How many! All these here once walked round Dublin. Faithful departed. As you are now so once were we.
Besides how could you remember everybody? Eyes, walk, voice." (U6.960)
"Well, the voice, yes: gramophone. Have a gramophone in every grave or keep it in the house. After dinner on a Sunday. Put on poor old greatgrandfather. Kraahraark! Hellohellohello amawfullyglad kraark awfullygladaseeagain hellohello amawf krpthsth. Remind you of the voice like the photograph reminds you of the face." (U6.962)
"Otherwise you couldn't remember the face after fifteen years, say. For instance who? For instance some fellow that died when I was in Wisdom Hely's." (U6.968)
"Rtststr! A rattle of pebbles. Wait. Stop!
He looked down intently into a stone crypt. Some animal. Wait. There he goes.
An obese grey rat toddled along the side of the crypt, moving the pebbles. An old stager: greatgrandfather: he knows the ropes. The grey alive crushed itself in under the plinth, wriggled itself in under it.
Good hidingplace for treasure." (U6.970)
"Who lives there? Are laid the remains of Robert Emery. Robert Emmet was buried here by torchlight," (U6.977)
"wasn't he?" (U6.978)

To this day it is not known where the remains of Robert Emmet are laid, possibly in Glasnevin or in the yard of St Michan Church, as this PC suggests.
"Making his rounds.
Tail gone now.
One of those chaps would make short work of a fellow." (U6.978)
"Pick the bones clean no matter who it was. Ordinary meat for them. A corpse is meat gone bad. Well and what's cheese? Corpse of milk. I read in that Voyages in China that the Chinese say a while man smells like a corpse." (U6.980)
"Cremation better. Priests dead against it. Devilling for the other firm. Wholesale burners and Dutch oven dealers." (U6.984)
"Time of the plague. Quicklime fever pit to eat them. Lethal chamber. Ashes to ashes. Or bury at sea." (U6.695)