"Butchers for instance: they get like raw beefsteaks. Who was telling me? Mervyn Browne." (U6.608)
"Down in the vaults of saint Werburgh's lovely old organ hundred and fifty they have to bore a hole in the coffins sometimes to let out the bad gas and burn it. Out it rushes: blue. One whiff of that and you're a doner.
My kneecap is hurting me. Ow. That's better." (U6.609)

The legend of this PC reads: 'St Werburgh's Church, Dublin. In a vault under the chancel lies the body of Lord Edward Fitzgerald.'
"- And Madam Bloom, Mr O'Madden Burke added. The vocal muse. Dublin's prime favourite." (U7.609)
"The priest took a stick with a knob at the end of it out of the boy's bucket and shook it over the coffin. Then he walked to the other end and shook it again. Then he came back and put it back in the bucket. As you were before you rested. It's all written down: he has to do it." (U6.614)
"— Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.
The server piped the answers in the treble. I often thought it would be better to have boy servants. Up to fifteen or so. After that, of course ...
Holy water that was, I expect. Shaking sleep out of it. He must be fed up with that job, shaking that thing over all the corpses they trot up. What harm if he could see what he was shaking it over." (U6.618)
"Every mortal day a fresh batch: middleaged men, old women, children, women dead in childbirth, men with beards, baldheaded business men, consumptive girls with little sparrows' breasts. All the year round he prayed the same thing over them all and shook water on top of them: sleep. On Dignam now." (U6.623)
"- In paradisum.
Said he was going to paradise or is in paradise. Says that over everybody. Tiresome kind of a job. But he has to say something.
The priest closed his book and went off, followed by the server." (U6.628)
"Corny Kelleher opened the sidedoors and the gravediggers came in, hoisted the coffin again, carried it out and shoved it on their cart. Corny Kelleher gave one wreath to the boy and the other to the brother-in-law." (U6.632)
"All followed them out of the sidedoors into the mild grey air. Mr Bloom came last, folding his paper again into his pocket. He gazed gravely at the ground till the coffincart wheeled off to the left. The metal wheels ground the gravel with a sharp grating cry and the pack of blunt boots followed the trundled barrow along a lane of sepulchres.
The ree the ra the ree the ra the roo. Lord, I mustn't lilt here." (U6.634)
"- The O'Connell circle, Mr Dedalus said about him." (U6.641)

In this PC, we see the O'Connell circle, the O'Connell monument, and the mortuary chapel from which the group just came out. The O'Connell monument, made in granite, was designed by historian Dr. Petrie after the Irish round towers. Visitors could visit the vault underneath where lay the coffin of The Liberator, covered with crimson velvet.
"Mr Power's soft eyes went up to the apex of the lofty cone.
- He's at rest, he said, in the middle of his people, old Dan O'." (U6.642)

The height of the O'Connell monument is given on this PC as 164.5 feet.
Re old Dan O's remains, the CE 1911 states: 'After 1844,' when Daniel O'Connell (1755 - 1847) was prosecuted and briefly imprisoned, 'his health had suffered, and henceforth there was a lack of energy and vigour in his movements. Then came the awful calamity of the famine. O'Connell's last appearance in Parliament was in 1847 when he pathetically asked that his people be saved from perishing. He was then seriously ill. The doctors ordered him to a warmer climate. He felt that he was dying and wished to die at Rome, but got no further than Genoa. In accordance with his wish his heart was brought to Rome and his body to Ireland. His funeral was of enormous dimensions, and since his death a splendid statue has been erected to his memory in Dublin and a round tower placed over his remains in Glasnevin.'
"But his heart is buried in Rome. How many broken hearts are buried here, Simon!
- Her grave is over there, Jack, Mr Dedalus said. I'll soon be stretched beside her. Let Him take me whenever He likes.
Breaking down, he began to weep to himself quietly, stumbling a little in his walk. Mr Power took his arm." (U6.643)
"- She's better where she is, he said kindly.
- I suppose so, Mr Dedalus said with a weak gasp. I suppose she is in heaven if there is a heaven.
Corny Kelleher stepped aside from his rank and allowed the mourners to plod by.
- Sad occasions, Mr Kernan began politely.
Mr Bloom closed his eyes and sadly twice bowed his head.
- The others are putting on their hats, Mr Kernan said. I suppose we can do so too. We are the last. This cemetery is a treacherous place." (U649)
"They covered their heads.
- The reverend gentleman read the service too quickly, don't you think? Mr Kernan said with reproof.
Mr Bloom nodded gravely, looking in the quick bloodshot eyes. Secret eyes, secret searching. Mason, I think: not sure. Beside him again. We are the last. In the same boat. Hope he'll say something else.
Mr Kernan added:
- The service of the Irish church, used in Mount Jerome, is simpler, more impressive, I must say.
Mr Bloom gave prudent assent. The language of course was another thing." (U6.658)
"Mr Kernan said with solemnity:
- I am the resurrection and the life." (U6.669)
"That touches a man's inmost heart.
- It does, Mr Bloom said." (U6.670)