"famous journalist, Drumont," (U3.231)
Edouard Drumont wrote on a variety of topics for several French publications, including La Liberté (news, literary, legal and art columns, 1874 - 1886), Revue de la Révolution (history), Le Bien Public, L'Univers, Le Nain Jaune, La Presse theatrale, Chronique Illustrée, Le Contemporain, La Revue de France, Le Gaulois, Le Petit Journal (art criticism), etc. He then founded (1892) his own newspaper La Libre Parole. Its motto was 'La France aux Francais' (= France for the French). He was encouraged (and financed) in this endeavour by a Jesuit, Father du Lac. This PC (1903) shows a priest engrossed in La Libre Parole, and is from a series titled 'Newspapers and Readers.'