"— Mr Lyster, an attendant said from the door ajar.
— which everyone can find his own. So Mr Justice Madden in his Diary of Master William Silence has found the hunting terms.... Yes? What is it?
— There's a gentleman here, sir, the attendant said, coming forward and offering a card. From the Freeman. He wants to see the files of the Kilkenny People for last year.
— Certainly, certainly, certainly. Is the gentleman......?
He took the eager card, glanced, not saw, laid down unglanced, looked, asked, creaked, asked:
— Is he......? O, there!
Brisk in a galliard he was off, out. In the daylit corridor he talked with voluble pains of zeal, in duty bound, most fair, most kind, most honest broadbrim.
— This gentleman? Freeman's Journal? Kilkenny People? To be sure. Good day, sir. Kilkenny.... We have certainly....
A patient silhouette waited, listening.
— All the leading provincial.... Northern Whig, Cork Examiner, Enniscorthy Guardian. Last year. 1903..... Will you please... Evans, conduct this gentleman... If you just follow the atten.... Or, please allow me.... This way... Please, sir...." (U9.581)