He took a reel of dental floss from his waistcoat pocket and, breaking off a piece, twanged it smartly between two and two of his resonant unwashed teeth.
- Bingbang, bangbang.
Mr Bloom, seeing the coast clear, made for the inner door.
- Just a moment, Mr Crawford, he said. I just want to phone about an ad.
He went in.
- What about that leader this evening? professor MacHugh asked, coming to the editor and laying a firm hand on his shoulder.
- That'll be all right, Myles Crawford said more calmly. Never you fret.
Hello, Jack. That's all right.
- Good day, Myles, J. J. O'Molloy said, letting the pages he held slip limply back on the file. Is that Canada swindle case on today?
The telephone whirred inside.
- Twenty eight... No, twenty... Double four... Yes." (U7.384)