From CE 1907: "The name Agnus Dei has been given to certain discs of wax impressed with the figure of a lamb and blessed at stated seasons by the Pope. They are sometimes round, sometimes oval in diameter. The lamb usually bears a cross or flag, while figures of saints or the name and arms of the Pope are commonly impressed on the reverse. These Agnus Deis may be worn suspended round the neck, or they may be preserved as objects of devotion. In virtue of the consecration they receive, they are regarded, like holy water, blessed palms etc, as Sacramentals." The making and consecration of Agnus Dei traditionally took place during the Holy Week, in the 1st year of a new pope's pontificate, then every 7th year he remained in office. The wax used was the collected remnants of paschal candles from the Sistine and other chapels. The picture shows an Agnus Dei from 1922.